Stage Backdrop with two Projection Screens set up by Coex with AV-Drop Pro

AV-Drop PRO: our top modular stage backdrop

Stage Backdrop with two Projection Screens set up by Coex with AV-Drop Pro


AV-Drop PRO  is the new standard in the Event Industry.

We have created a kit in which you have an infinite number of designs for your corporate events, conferences and scenographies.

Easy and simple, you don’t need any tools, no screws and it is 100% reusable.

What does the AV-Drop PRO have?

In 3 trolleys (transport boxes) are included all the necessary pieces to make the design that best suits your needs.

Two of them are our Starter Kit (up to 18 m wide x 4.5 m high, 2 front screens and 2 rear projection screens). 


The added 3 trolley includes a series of accessories with curved and angular shapes, allowing you to set up an infinite number of scenographies with different shapes and finishes.


AV-Drop PRO is developed for Convention Centres and the Event Industry.

Many partners already trust in our system, such as: DrapeKingsShowTexCoexAICO 

Because they carry out multiple conferences, congresses and events, they need to have a system that allows them to work quickly, but at the same time in a safe and reliable way. 

Examples of designs

As you can see, you get endless possibilities when you have to design your backdrop. In addition to these examples, you can find many more in these PDF: Standard Designs or Larger designs.

Anyway, the important thing about this kit is that you can not only make these designs that we propose, AV-Drop PRO allows you to make any backdrop design that you can think of with the pieces that compose it.

Examples of Conference Backdrops

Coex is one of our main partners and they bought an AV-Drop PRO. Because they run multiple conferences and congresses, they need to have a system that allows them to work quickly, but still in a reliable way. That is why they trusted and still trust AV-Drop.

With it they have made multiple backdrops with an infinite number of designs with different looks as you can see in these images.

If you would like more information about the pieces in this kit or if you have any other questions, contact us: